win €10,000 for you or your charity! Ends In..








multi point earthing may cause the transformer effect

Can YOU explain how workers are protected from death and/or injury from induced voltage or circulating currents using the current safety procedures?

€10,000 if you can.


Induced voltage is caused when power lines cross over each other or run in parallel with each other and may be caused by magnetic flux or capacitive coupling.  Voltages in excess of 23KV have been recorded for capacitive coupling and 1.5 KV for magnetic flux coupling.

Both have caused power-line workers to be electrocuted.


Electrocution has occurred where the dangers of induced voltage and circulating currents were not addressed.

Tynagh Network Systems offer anybody or (their nominated charity) €10,000 if they can scientifically prove that current safety procedures in Ireland, address and protect workers from the dangers associated with induced voltage or circulating currents.

Can YOU explain how workers are protected from death and/or injury from induced voltage or circulating currents using the current safety procedures?


€10,000 if you can.

Closing Date 23rd July 2018.  See competition Terms & Conditions