Electrical Safety Improvement Surveys

protecting company assets and reputation

Enjoy peace of mind in the knowledge that your company is in compliance with legislation and current best practice in electrical activity.

In addition to complying with the law, it is prudent to protect the reputation and assets of a company from the adverse publicity that a serious accident could bring.

Directors and Officers of an undertaking would also wish to avoid undue pressure from employees, trade unions and customers due to poor safety and health management and the stigma and other consequences of a prosecution. (criminal conviction, fines or prison). Ref. Section 80 S.H.A.W. Act 2005

Tynagh Network Systems performs onsite safety improvement surveys covering every aspect of the electrical activity including management structures, work procedures, competency, proper equipment, safe place of work and safe systems of work.

A Confidential and detailed report is provided with recommendations and suggestions for improvement in line with legislation and current best practice.

Please contact us for further info. +353-91-842206


Worker Protection

Effective equipotential bonding for worker protection is achieved by placing a low resistance personal earth in parallel with the workers body. As they are both in parallel, in a line fault situation, fault current will flow in the personal earth and the workers body in direct proportion to the resistance of each

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