Custom Equipment Design
Custom Equipment Design
Tynagh Networks specialise in offering Customised Design Solutions in electrical safety equipment and products where the existing product does not meet customer’s requirements or there is no suitable product available.
We design and manufacture equipment to provide unique solutions to earthing and short-circuiting problems for our clients.
Products include our Safeline range (below).
SAFELINE is our chosen system which effectively earths our entire range of L.V. distribution installations, ensures maximum safety and assists us in complying with the latest safety legislation. Its modular design and easy application facilitates earthing at any point on an installation.”
Worker Protection
Effective equipotential bonding for worker protection is achieved by placing a low resistance personal earth in parallel with the workers body. As they are both in parallel, in a line fault situation, fault current will flow in the personal earth and the workers body in direct proportion to the resistance of each