Guide To Selection Of Appropriate Earthing And Short-Circuiting Conductor
Higher temperature levels are now allowed under IS EN 61230:2008 to accommodate lighter equipment. The following Tables may be helpful.
Higher temperature levels are now allowed under IS EN 61230:2008 to accommodate lighter equipment. The following Tables may be helpful.
Even though Copper conductor is heavier and more expensive than Aluminium conductor, (Aluminium is aproximately 60% of the weight of copper) Copper conductor offers a far superior temperature range and fault level aspect. The equivalent Aluminium conductor has a larger CSA but offers aproximately 60% of the current carrying capacity and similar working temperature range.
Numerous tests prove that grounding a machine provides no protection to ground workers or machine operators.
It may be safer to base fault calculations on Transformer “Let through levels”, than depending on Utility figures which are liable to change without notice.
A short-circuiting device will not prevent current flow in the human body, it will only limit current flow to safe levels if properly sized.